09 dezembro, 2008

"This Is How It Goes Down"

I hear my name,
I hear the trash you're talking,
In your sleep, the secrets that you're keeping,
A chick, this smart
Did you really think you could keep her in the dark?

Does she purr?
Does she make it hard
Hard to speak?
Does she dress the part?
I'm sure she'll take some getting used to,
Brother she will never be me

Feel the burn, take a spin,
Suck the poison out of me,
I'll make your beg, I'll make your come,
To your senses if you keep,
Up the shit, take the hit,
This is how it goes down,
This is how it goes down
Gonna run, gonna scream,
Gonna crawl down on your knees,
When you realize that no one's gonna measure up to me,
Doesn't matter cause I'm over it now,
This is how it goes down,
This is how it goes down,

I'm gonna rage,
Stay out really late,
Gonna hang, with all my friends you hate,
I may try that three-some,
Better late than never,
And better without you,

This is your future as I see it,
You will be homeless, bald and broken,
She will have left you when she finds out who you are,
You're nothing but an extra, and baby I'm the star,

[Chorus 1x]

Suppose this is how the story goes but ever since that door closed,
I've been going down (down), the dream, in the pink got me nausious,
I should've grown more cautious, and clever, whatever
you never find a dude with better head game and,
You can take that both ways,
You laughing like I'm playing with your fingers up like OJ,
Missy you would have a three-some without me,
I'll pull an OJ, and text you some incriminating pictures from my old days,

[Chorus 1x]

Somebody done lied to you
Because you're not such a big shot dude,
You might wanna rethink it through,
You should've asked me I would've told you the truth.

12 junho, 2008

O sol passeia-se por entre as nuvens pretas, ora é de dia, ora parece noite.

As sombras brincam às escondidas.

O ar perfurmado parece dançar.

Eu vejo os olhos e deixo-me levar....

Perdida, envolvida, absorvida pela pura e ingénua natureza....

30 maio, 2008

One Week of Danger

We’re best friends
We hold hands

We’re in love
you’re my man

Darling no

That’s not me

I’m a ghost

In the sheets

Well is there something that you like about her?


I like the way that her body bends in half

And is there something that you love about her?


There ain’t a woman in this world I won’t let go

Come on baby
We get along

Please don’t you spoil it

Don’t steer us wrong

Lets get together

And get it on

Lets get those clothes off
Before I’m gone

You talk about like you own me baby

That’s not fair
I told you that I had somebody else
You did not care

And now you’re talking on the telephone

You’re tellin’ all of your friends

We love each other (x8)

Well is there something that you wanted from her?


I want her legs, her body, and her cash

And is there something that you needed from her?

And if she’s playing hard to get I’m out the door

Oh no baby

Don’t say it’s true

Please say you love

Like I love you

Come on baby

We get along

One week of danger
‘s not very long
Let’s get those clothes off

Before I’m gone

You talk about like you own me baby

That’s not fair I told you that I had somebody else
You did not care
And now you want to make me out to be some kind of square

And now you’re talking on the telephone

You’re tellin’ all of your friend

We love each other (x8)
We love each other (x9)

The virgins

Podem ouvir esta musica em : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T7xbYOM8Ts

03 março, 2008


Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down. Don't dance so fast.

Time is short. The music won't last.

Do you run through each day on the fly?

When you ask How are you? Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores running through your head?

You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast.

Time is short. The music won't last.

Ever told your child, we'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste, not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time to call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast.

Time is short. The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift......Thrown away.

Life is not a race. Do take it slower

Hear the music before the song is over.

Um daqueles emails que não podemos deixar de mostrar ao mundo!

07 janeiro, 2008

como manter e mostrar um certo nivel de insanidade

1. Na sua hora de almoço, sente-se no seu carro estacionado, ponha os óculos escuros e aponte um secador de cabelos para os carros que passam. Veja se eles diminuem a velocidade.•

2. Sempre que alguém lhe pedir para fazer alguma coisa, pergunte se quer batatas fritas a acompanhar

3. Encoraje os seus colegas de gabinete a fazerem uma dança de cadeiras sincronizada consigo.

4. Coloque o seu recipiente do lixo sobre a mesa de trabalho e escreva nele, "Entrada de Documentos" .

5. Desenvolva um estranho medo aos agrafadores.

6. Ponha café descafeinado na máquina de café, durante três semanas. Quando todos tiverem perdido o vício da cafeína, mude para café expresso.

7. No verso de todos os seus cheques, escreva, "referente a suborno" .

8. Sempre que alguém lhe disser alguma coisa, responda, " isso é o que tu pensas " .

9. Termine todas as suas frases com, " de acordo com a profecia" .

10. Ajuste o brilho do seu monitor para o nível máximo, de forma a iluminar toda a área de trabalho. Insista com os outros de que gosta assim.

11. Não use pontuação nos seus textos.

12. Sempre que possível, salte em vez de andar.

13. Pergunte às pessoas de que sexos são. Ria, histericamente, depois dela responderem.

14. Quando for à Ópera, cante com os actores.•

15. Vá a um recital de poesia e pergunte por que é que os poemas não rimam.

16. Descubra onde o seu chefe faz compras e compre exactamente as mesmas roupas. Use-as um dia depois do seu chefe as usar. Tem, ainda, mais impacto, se o seu chefe for do sexo oposto.

17. Mande E-mail's para o resto da empresa, dizendo o que está a fazer, em cada momento. Por exemplo: "Se precisarem de mim, estou na casa de banho".

18. Coloque um mosquiteiro à volta da sua secretária e ponha um CD com sons da floresta, durante o dia inteiro.

19. Quando sair dinheiro da caixa Multibanco, grite.

20. Ao sair do jardim zoológico, corra na direcção do parque de estacionamento, gritando, "Salve-se quem puder! Eles estão soltos!"

21. À hora do jantar, anuncie aos seus filhos: "devido à nossa situação económica, teremos de mandar embora um de vós" .

22. Todas as vezes que vir uma vassoura, grite, "Amor, a tua mãe chegou!" A seguir, a última forma de manter um nível saudável de insanidade... e concretizar o s seus o bjectivos:

23. Mande este texto para todos os seus amigos, MESMO que eles já lhe tenham pedido para não lhes mandar mais merdas...

Mais um email que nos traz um sorriso Hehe- Toca a aplicar